Synthetic Ice & Gym Clinic
Groups of up to 10 that will do 30 minutes of shooting between 200-400 pucks in Bando's Synthetic ice rink followed by 1 hour in the gym with the work out staff.
Ages and Time
U8 Agility and Snipe (2017-2018 birth years)- 5:30pm Shooting/6:00pm in Gym
U10 Agility and Snipe (2016-2015 birth years)- 6pm Shooting/6:30pm in Gym
Agility and Snipe as well as Lift and Snipe will take place on Monday's and Tuesdays through out April, May, and June. Choose which day works for you!
Monday: Mar 31st, April 7th, April 14th, April 21st
Tuesday: April 1st, April 8th, April 15th, April 22nd
Monday: April 28th, May 5th, May 12th, May 19th
Tuesday: April 29th, May 6th, May 13th, May 20th
Monday: May 26th, June 2nd, June 9th, June 16th
Tuesday: May 27th, June 3rd, June 10th, June 17th
Bando Performance inside the Worcester Ice Center
Worcester Ice Center
112 Harding Street
Worcester Ma 01604
What should my player bring?
Players will need helmet, gloves, skates, stick, and a water bottle